Apr 07, 2005 / Benneydale 2 (Jack's Patch) / North Island Robin (Toutouwai)

Supplemental Feedings: What's This?
No Reference Source
Feeding Duration (in days): What's This?
No Reference Source
Marked With: What's This?
Leg Bands
Reference Source
Monitored By: What's This?
Reference Source
Monitoring Duration: What's This?
1.00 - 36.00 Reference Source
Number Survived 1 Week: What's This?
6 or more Reference Source
Percentage Survived 1 Week: What's This?
75.00 Reference Source
Number Survived 1 Month: What's This?
6 Reference Source
Percentage Survived 1 Month: What's This?
75.00 Reference Source
Number Survived 1 Year: What's This?
Not Located Reference Source
Percentage Survived 1 Year: What's This?
Not Located Reference Source
Main Cause of Death: What's This?
Various Reference Source
Breeding Attempted: What's This?
Not Located Reference Source
Breeding Successful: What's This?
Not Located Reference Source
Return Allowed: What's This?
Yes Reference Source
Return To Homesite: What's This?
Yes Reference Source
Distance: What's This?
Not Located Reference Source
Number Returned: What's This?
6 Reference Source
Percentage Returned: What's This?
75.00 Reference Source
Notes: What's This?
CAPTURE AND RELEASE DATE: Between April 7 - June 4, 2005. Date listed is an estimate and not the exact date. Birds were mostly captured and released on the same day because capture site was at the most 10km away from release fragment. RELEASE SITE FRAGMENT NAME in BENNYDALE, New Zealand: JACK's PATCH. 6/8 of the translocated robins survived until the next breeding season and settled at this release site. Of all 135 translocated robins to Bennydale fragments, 112 had transitters, but only 81 fates could be determined. So on the whole, 13 (16%) died within 4 weeks, 33 (41%) remained in the fragment they were released to after 4 weeks, and 35 (43%) had dispered from the fragment they were released to. Fates per site, with the exception of the number of birds settling in the fragment, were not given in the report.
Data submitted by: What's This?
Jessica Beltran