Burrowing Owl : Resources
In addition to the data that has been collected in database, several types of additional resources are available. If you would like to add a new resource for a species, contact us. We accept photographs, audio (bird songs/calls), video, non-copyrighted documents, and website links. To add a resource you must have the proprietary rights to that resource or it must be public domain.

Burrowing Owl
Main Image01/11/08



Burrowing Owl - CALM
[source reference]03/30/08
North Dakota's Federally Listed Endangered, Threatened, and Candidate Species - 1995
[source reference]03/30/08

Reference Sources
Title: Releasing Captive-reared masked bobwhites for population recovery: a review entered by Starr McKinney Authors: Gall et al. Publisher: Quail IV: Proceedings of the Fourth National Quail Symposium Year: 2000 Volume: Pages: Location: Type: Peer-reviewed article -
Title: Burrowing Owl Reintroduction Efforts in the Thompson-Nicola Region of British Columbia entered by Starr McKinney Authors: Leupin, Ernest E.; Low, David J. Publisher: Journal of Raptor Research Year: 2001 Volume: 35(4) Pages: 392-398 Location: Type: Peer-reviewed article